Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | Quit Smoking & Weight Loss

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | Back in the 1950’s cigarette manufactures employed marketing experts to introduce more women to smoking. Up until then it wasn’t perceived as being lady like to smoke. The markets created the cigarette as the torch of freedom and women embraced the habit of smoking in droves as they wanted the right to die from cancer equally as men.

The next wave of marketing was just as brilliant. The idea was implanted that if you smoke you will lose weight. Just reach for a smoke instead of a sweet and in a few years you will be as slim as you always dreamed.

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz
Dr. Dov J Berkowitz

Unfortunately the main way cigarettes causes’ weight loss is through cancer. Bad taste jokes aside if you smoke instead of eating then yes you will consume less calories. But do you actually lose weight?

Something I have observed in my years as a quit smoking hypnotist is that there certainly are slim smokers, just as there are regular weight smokers and also overweight smokers. I also observed that the majority of smokers were overweight, so why is this the case.

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | I believe there are two reasons.

As a smoker you are presenting your liver over 4000 nasty chemicals with each cigarette. Your liver is kept very busy trying to deal with these chemicals, and in doing so becomes a little less efficient with its other job of breaking down fats.

The result is you retain a little more fat than you would do otherwise every day. And it only takes a little. If you gain just ½ a pound per week that is 130lbs or 59kg in five years.

You may not agree with this but… if you are a smoker, knowing all the problems associated with smoking, then you are not taking care of yourself, and maybe you don’t think you even deserve to be healthy.

So as a smoker it just doesn’t make any sense that you would eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, because you don’t take good care of yourself.

Sure there are exceptions, I’ve treated vegan yoga teachers for smoking, but these healthy types are a very small minority. Most people who truly care for themselves just do not smoke, and if they do, then they will crawl over broken glass to quit.

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | My advice to you is obviously to quit, but first you have to decide that you are worth taking good care of.


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