
Showing posts from July, 2020

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | Quit Smoking & Weight Loss

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | Back in the 1950’s cigarette manufactures employed marketing experts to introduce more women to smoking. Up until then it wasn’t perceived as being lady like to smoke. The markets created the cigarette as the torch of freedom and women embraced the habit of smoking in droves as they wanted the right to die from cancer equally as men. The next wave of marketing was just as brilliant. The idea was implanted that if you smoke you will lose weight. Just reach for a smoke instead of a sweet and in a few years you will be as slim as you always dreamed. Dr. Dov J Berkowitz Unfortunately the main way cigarettes causes’ weight loss is through cancer. Bad taste jokes aside if you smoke instead of eating then yes you will consume less calories. But do you actually lose weight? Something I have observed in my years as a quit smoking hypnotist is that there certainly are slim smokers, just as there are regular weight smokers and also overweight smokers. I also observed that th...

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | Why Balance Diet Is Essential For Women To Maintain Health?

Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | A balance diet includes food from five food groups which fulfills all the nutritional needs of an individual as per their requirements. It helps to maintain good health and reduces the risk of disease. A well balance diet provides all nutrients including macro (carbohydrates, proteins & fats) and micro (vitamins & minerals) that helps to maintain healthy body weight. Amongst children, boys and girls dietary needs are much similar but when puberty begins in girls their nutritional requirements increases and its more than boys. As girls aging increases though more physical and physiological changes occur and nutritional requirement increases to evolve meet the changing needs. Dr. Dov J Berkowitz Dr. Dov J Berkowitz | In women, hormonal changes are very often in their life that associated with menstruation, child bearing (pregnancy & lactation period) and menopause. These reason, women have a high risk of anemia, osteoporosis, underweight or obesity, thyr...

Dr. Dov Jay Berkowitz | Important Oral Health Tips for Kids

Teach your kids how to floss: Dr. Dov Jay Berkowitz flossing is a very important part of oral health. This is because there is no other effective way of removing food particles that have stuck in-between teeth. Brushing alone isn’t effective. You must therefore make a point of teaching your kids how to floss if you want them to maintain good oral hygiene. It is important to note that flossing can be dangerous for kids. You must therefore take time to teach them how to floss without hurting their gums. Flossing can’t be ignored even when dealing with kid’s oral health. The best thing to do is to teach your kids how to floss properly once they become responsible for cleaning their own teeth i.e. 9 yrs. Restrict thumb-sucking by age  2: this is also a very important oral health tip for kids. Most kids develop the habit of sucking their thumbs at a very young age. You must curb this habit by age 2 to avoid developmental abnormalities. Thumb-sucking causes many common developmental abno...